Holly Covell
Holly Covell has always been an artist at heart, drawing orcas and painting theme park scenes from a young age. She got her Bachelor’s in Studio Art from UC San Diego, and has used that skillset to develop and create most of the media, logos and imagery used in the Fitness System clubs since 2009!
After having her second child in 2014, she was inspired by watching her husband, Sean, compete in bodybuilding competitions and decided to train for one. He NPC debut in the Figure division in 2017 was a success, and in October 2018 she competed in the DR Coat of Arms and won her IFBB Pro Card. She made her pro debut at the Legion Sports Festival in November 2019.

Holly’s greatest joys in life include: spending time with her three babies, building gyms and doing home improvement projects with her husband, and baking. She finds a good balance between fasted morning workouts and splurging on homemade scones, cinnamon rolls and Christmas cookies. She is also the author of a children’s book, Princess Soup, available on Amazon.

Find Holly Covell online!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_hollycovell/